It is vital that boys are taught from a young age that boys and girls are equal and worthy of utmost respect.
Fathers must demonstrate that equality at home by setting an example, by treating their wives with enormous respect, and telling both their sons and daughters how special they are and why he is proud of both the boy and the girl.
In some countries, gender-based violence is directed at women and girls by men which results in large part from women’s subordinate status in society due to traditional and cultural norms (patriarchal societies) and their low economic status (poverty).
One of the most important lessons we can teach and learn: No means no! Guiding children younger than six to non-violence
How your child feels about themselves will determine how they treat other people. You play a critical role in building your child’s self-image and the way they see themselves.
Fathers of teens must teach them about consent and respect for someone else’s body
“Through this campaign we hope that each and every South African will take up the responsibility to have these types of conversations with our children from an early age, so that it becomes a social norm and prevents these crimes from following our daughters into the future”.
Tina Thiart
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If we can inculcate today’s toddlers and teenagers with a belief in non-violent and peaceful behaviour and gender equality
It is estimated that roughly 246 million children globally are harassed and abused in and around the school.
Talk to them about bullying; what it is, and what to do when they are bullied.